To offer a loan that caters to the financial needs of a member who is working as an Overseas Contract Workers particularly a Seafarer, or his spouse or immediate family member who is a recipient of a monthly allotment.
To extend credit services with competitive interest rates to the family of Overseas Contract Workers particularly Seafarers who are receiving monthly allotment;
To redeem mortgaged allotment from other lending institutions with higher loan interest rates;
  • Maximum loan entitlement is up to P150,000 

  • Loan term should be co-terminus with the remaining months of the existing contract of the seafarer, less one month

  • Deposit counterpart should be 20% of the loan amount approved

  • Co-Maker requirement: 2


  • Max loanable amount is based on the total contract price of the property to be mortgaged

  • Maximum loan term is up to 240 months

  • Deposit counterpart should be at least 10% of the loan amount approved

  • Co-Maker requirement: 1 to 2


  • Maximum loan entitlement is up to P150,000 
  • Minimum term is 6 months, while maximum term is up to 36 months
  • Deposit counterpart should be 20% of the loan amount approved
  • Co-Maker requirement: 1 to 2


  • Loanable amount is based on the Basic Monthly Pension (BMP) and the pensioner’s age at the time of the loan application
  • Minimum loan term is 6 months, while max loan term is up to 24 months
  • Minimum deposit counterpart of at least P2,000 Common Share Capital and P1,500 Regular Savings and/or Compulsory Savings Deposit
  • Co-Maker requirement: 1


  • Deposit counterpart should be at least 20% of the loan amount approved
  • Co-Maker requirement: 1 to 2


To offer a loan that caters to the financial needs of a member who is employed in a private or government agency and is receiving a basic salary.

  • Max loanable amount is up to P150,000 for Permanent/Regular employees and P20,000 for Contractual/Casual employees
  • Regular: 3 to 24 monhts Contractual: Maximum 6 months Regular Agency-based: 3 to 12 months
  • Deposit counterpart should be at least 20% of the loan amount approved
  • Co-Maker requirement: 2


To offer a loan that caters to the financial needs of a member whose salary is covered by the General Appropriation Act (G.A.A.), particularly those who are working in the Department of Education and other government agencies.

  • Maximum loan entitlement is up to P200,000 + bonus!
  • Minimum term is 24 months and maximum term is up to 60 months
  • Deposit counterpart should be at least P7,000 in Common Share, and P500 in Regular Savings
  • Co-Maker requirement: 1


To offer a regular loan that provides the member funds needed for purchase of vehicle.

  • Co-maker requirement: 1 to 2