A benefit that provides newborn childcare starter kit to pregnant full-fledged members or spouse of the members.



1.     Must be an active full-fledged member for at least 1 year.

2.     Member classification of class AA/A or B.

3.     In case both the spouse are members of OIC, only one (1) benefit shall be claim.


Service Coverage

1.     Newborn Kit – newborn childcare starter kit includes:

·     Alcohol                        ● Baby wipes

·     Cotton                         ● Baby powder

·     Baby soap                   ● Cotton buds

·     Newborn diaper



2.     “Savings Annuity for Future Education” Plus Account – the newborn baby will be given a 50% free of the opening amount. The opening amount of the SAFE Plus account is P500.00 in which Php250.00 will be given for free with outright passbook. The member must apply three (3) months after delivery.




1.     Duly filled-out Maternity Cash Benefit Application Form.

2.     Photocopy of ultrasound result or pre-natal card (original) or any proof of the claimant’s pregnancy.

3.     If the member cannot provide under section 2 to 3 requirements, the benefit can be claim after the delivery through attaching a certified true copy of the birth certificate will suffice.