Instant Loan

To offer an “easy-access” loan up to 90% of the face value of the member’s total uncommitted regular savings deposit and or compulsory savings deposit and common share capital that caters the liquidity needs of a member-borrower.

Max loanable amount is up to 90% of the total uncommitted Regular Savings, Compulsory Savings Deposit, and Share Capital.

For more information. Please visit our website under Contact Us menu.

Loan Against Preferred Deposit

To extend additional credit accommodation to members who have Preferred Deposit placement(s) maintained in Oro Integrated Cooperative

Maximum loanable amount is up to 90% of the total amount of the Preferred Deposit placement maintained in OIC

Loan Against Time Deposit

To extend additional credit accommodation to a member who has a Time Deposit placement(s) maintained in Oro Integrated Cooperative.

Maximum loanable amount is up to 90% of the total amount of the Time Deposit placement is maintained in OIC

Show Money Loan

For a visa application purposes to visit, study, or live abroad:
a) Any individual who is applying for a visa to visit, study, or live abroad and is in need of proof of funds or certificate of deposit(s) as part of the requirement.
b) Applicant must have no existing loan with OIC from the time of application.

As financial guarantee (Contractor’s Bond) for contractors:
a) Business ownership must be sole proprietorship or partnership and corporation.
b) Applicant must be a shareholder of the corporation.
c) The existing business must be operating for at least three (3) years and profitable for the latest two (2) years.
d) Must have no combined outstanding debt from the cooperative or other institutions that exceed forty cents (40%) of the member’s Adjusted Debt Capacity Ratio (ADCR).

Farmer’s Assistance for Side Dressing & Subsistence (FASS) Loan

This is an all-purpose short-term privilege loan primarily to provide funds to a farmer-members in good standing, intended for farm side-dressing or personal consumption, or other non- income generating activities or for productive purposes.

Must be a Full Fledged Farmer-Member
Must have two Agricultural loans or must an OIC member for 1 year

Petty Cash Loan

To extend additional credit accommodation to an existing member who has proven its credit-worthiness with the cooperative

Minimum loanable amount: Seven Thousand Pesos (P7,000)
Maximum loanable amount: Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000)

Minimum term: One (1) month to 10 months term

Rice Loan

To provide the member access to a maximum of two (2) sacks of rice through credit for personal consumption.

Maximum loanable amount: Equivalent to the value of one (1) sack of rice of good quality but must not exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P2,500.00)

 Allotment Loan

This is an all-purpose loan that primarily aims to provide funds to a member intended for personal consumption, non-income generating activities or productive purposes.

Maximum loanable amount: One Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P150,000)

The term of the loan will be co-terminus with the remaining months of the existing contract of the seafarer, less than one month.

Salary Loan Plus

To offer a regular loan that caters to the member-borrower’s financial needs for personal use or consumption

a)Must be working in the Department of Education (DepEd) or other government agencies whose salary is covered by the General Appropriations Act (G.A.A.)
b)Must be a national paid government employee.
c)Must not exceed the age of 59 years old from the time of the loan application.
d)Must be employed on a regular or permanent status before the loan application;
e)Can present a Certificate of Appointment or Service Record from the DepEd or government agency where he/she is employed;
f)Payroll/pay slip be through ATM issued by DepEd / Government agency accredited banks with at least three (3) months of net take take-homey credited to the ATM account.
g)Residence or work must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (not more than 100 km. radius from the servicing branch);

a)A member–the borrower can apply for a loan against midyear/ year-end bonus with a maximum loanable amount of ninety percent (90%) of the expected bonus.
b)Salary Loan Plus window must NOT BE DELINQUENT from the time of the Mid-Year or Year-End Bonus loan application
c)The Loan Against Bonuses can be availed simultaneously with the new SLP.

Salary Loan Plus Regular – OIC Employees

To offer a regular loan that caters to the employee’s financial needs for personal use or consumption

Must be working in Oro Integrated Cooperative as a regular employee for at least one (1) year;
Must not exceed the age of 60 years old from the time of the loan application;
Must be employed on a regular or permanent status prior to the loan application;
Must not have below 20% mandatory net take home pay after the deduction of loan.

Maximum loanable amount and term:
1 – 5 Years – P150,000.00 – 36 months
5 Years and above – P300,000.00 – 60 months

Deposit counterpart: Twenty percent (20%) of the loan amount approved regardless of the employee’s membership classification.

Co-maker: Two (2)

  Salary Loan Regular

To offer a regular loan that caters to the member-borrower’s financial needs for personal use or consumption

Must be presently employed with a permanent/regular status and is receiving a basic monthly pay or daily wage in a private organization or government agency for at least one (1) year;
Or must be presently employed with a contractual/casual status and is receiving a basic monthly pay or daily wage in a private company or government agency for at least one (1) year;
Payroll must be through ATM issued by the private organization / Government agency accredited banks;
Must have a net take home pay of at least P4,000.00 for government agencies and 20% of the monthly basic salary for the private institution;
Residence or work must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (maximum 100 km. radius from the servicing branch).

Maximum loanable amount:
REGULAR EMPLOYEE: Up to One Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P150,000).
The loan amount granted to a member-borrower must not exceed 60% of the average monthly net take-home pay multiplied by the number of monthly amortizations.

CASUAL EMPLOYEE: Up to Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000) regardless of the number of salary loan cycles availed.

1. Minimum term of three (3) months and a maximum term of Twelve (12) months.
2. Minimum term of three (3) months and a maximum term of twenty-four (24) months

1. Equal to or less than the remaining months of the recent employment contract but not to exceed six (6) months per loan cycle.
2. For Regular Agency based Employees: Minimum term of three (3) months and a maximum term of Twelve (12) months.

Deposit counterpart: Twenty percent (20%) of the loan amount approved regardless of the employee’s membership classification.

Co-maker: Two (2)

Vehicle Financing Loan – Personal Use

To cater the needs of our member-borrower in need of Vehicle for business use.

Member must be between 18 to 69 years old, with visible means of income either through employment for at least two (2) years with a status of permanent/regular;
With a reliable source of income either through employment in a company/entity/institution or must own a legitimate business or have other sources of income or payment that can be validated;

Maximum loanable amount:
Brand New Vehicles – 2,000,000
Second-hand from the Owner and Display – P1,500,000
Surplus Reconditioned – P1,000,000

Brand New – 60 Months
Display/ Second Hand – 48 Months

Deposit Counterpart:
Brand New – 15% of the loan amount approved
Display/ Second Hand – 20% of the loan amount approved

Co-maker: Two (2)

Motorcycle Financing Loan – Personal Use

To offer a regular loan that can provide the funds needed by the member for purchase of a motorcycle

Member must be engaged in business / self-employed with at least two (2) consecutive profitable years of operation who can meet the agreed-upon amortization;
The residence, work, or businesses of the member must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (maximum 100 km radius from the servicing branch).

Maximum loanable amount: P200,000

Minimum term: 6 Months
Maximum term: 36 Months

Deposit counterpart: Twenty percent (20%) of the loan amount approved regardless of the employee’s membership classification.

Co-maker: Two (2)

  Providential Loan

To offer a regular loan that caters to the member’s financial needs for personal use or consumption

Eligibility: Full-fledged OIC Members

Maximum loanable amount:
Education – P200,000
Appliances – P150,000
Gadget – P100,000
Hospitalization (Medical) – P200,000
Consumption/ Leisure/Recreational Activities – P100,000
Minor House Repair – P500,000
Others – P500,000

Education – 12 Months
Appliances – 24 Months
Gadget – 12 Months
Hospitalization (Medical) – 24 Months
Consumption/ Leisure/Recreational Activities – 12 Months
Minor House Repair – 36 Months
Housing improvement and another Major improvement/renovation – 60 Months
Others – 36 Months

Deposit counterpart based on Membership Classification:
Class AA 20% of the loan amount approved
Class A 25% of the loan amount approved
Class B 30% of the loan amount approved
Class C 35% of the loan amount approved

Co-maker: Two (2)

Pension Loan

To offer a loan that caters to the financial needs of a member, who is receiving a monthly pension either as a sole pension account owner, or a recipient of one after death of the original pensioner

1. For existing members-borrowers with ages 70 and above, Member-borrower can avail of a renewal provided that, the member-borrower will be covered with a special insurance rate.
2. Must be the sole pension account owner or a recipient of one after the death of the original pensioner (Survivor);
3. Must not be comatose or with a severe terminal illness and is still able and in good health condition upon application of the pension loan.
4. Must be physically and mentally fit to personally appear upon application and can comprehend and sign documents about the pension loan in his or her choice.
5. Must not be more than 69 years old from the time of the loan application until maturity of the loan;
6. Pension must be through ATM issued by SSS, GSIS or any Philippine Government Agency accredited banks only.

Maximum loanable amount:
60 – 63 years old – P150,000
64 years old – P100,000
65 to 68 years old – P50,000
69 years old and above – P20,000

Deposit requirement:
Share Capital – P2,000
Regular Savings – P1,500

Co-maker: Two (2)

Real Estate Loan

This is a loan that primarily aims to help finance a member’s various housing needs, from a home purchase or building a new home, renovation, improvement, to purchasing a condominium unit.

1. All full-fledged members with a membership classification of AA, A, or C at the time of application.
2. Or engaged in business / self-employed with at least two (2) consecutive profitable years of operation who can meet the agreed-upon amortization;
3. Who needs home financing and other purposes as described in this policy;
4. The residence, work, or business of the member must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (maximum 100 km. radius from the servicing branch).

Maximum loanable amount:

The maximum loanable amount is Fifteen Million Pesos (P15,000,000.00) for residential and P65,000,000.00 for commercial.


The maximum loanable amount for the commercial lot is Fifty Million Pesos (P50,000,000.00), the maximum loanable amount for the residential lot is Twenty Million Pesos (P20,000,000.00) and for the Agricultural Lot maximum loanable amount is Fifteen Million Pesos (P15,000,000.00).


The maximum loanable amount is Fifteen Million Pesos (P15,000,000.00).


The maximum loanable amount is Three Million Pesos (P3,000,000).


The maximum loanable amount is Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000)


A minimum of Five hundred thousand and one pesos (P500,001.00) maximum loanable amount is Five Million Pesos (P5,000,000.00).







Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA, A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:
Fully Secured loan – 15%
Partially Secured loan – 20%
Lot Purchases – 20%

  Business Loan Regular

To help enterprising member-entrepreneur improve their business through the access of additional working capital or funds for asset acquisition and expansion to be used for the enterprise.

Any individual 18 – 69 years old who is the legal owner of the business in each category Micro, Small, Medium and Large Enterprise.
1. Must be a full-fledged member and has undergone loan counseling before availment of any loan products.
2. Must have a good credit standing in other financial institutions;
3. The business must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (maximum 100 km. radius from the servicing branch);
4. Can provide collateral such as real estate property or vehicle of value sufficient to secure the loan and acceptable to the cooperative;

Maximum loanable amount:
Small Enterprise
1. Minimum Loanable Amount –P3,000,001.00
2. Maximum Loanable Amount –Php 15,000,000.00

Medium Enterprise
1. Minimum Loanable Amount –P15,000,001.00
2. Maximum Loanable Amount –P100,000,000.00

Credit Line – 12 months
Permanent Working Capital – 36 months
Acquisition/ Renovation of a fixed asset – 60 months
Building Renovation/Expansion of Business – Maximum of sixty (60) months inclusive of one (1) year grace period.

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA, A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:
Class AA – 20%
Class A – 25%
Class B – 30%
Class C – 35%
Class D – 50%

Home Mortgage Loan

It is a loan primarily to provide funds to members intended for acquiring a house and lot from a realtor / developer or principal owner.

1. Any individual 21- 55 years old, with visible means of income either through employment for at least two (2) years with a status of permanent/regular;
2. Or engaged in business / self-employed with at least two (2) consecutive profitable years of operation who can meet the agreed-upon amortization;
3. Who is in need of a home loan as described in this policy;

Maximum loanable amount:
1. If the property to be mortgaged is from a realtor / developer, the loan amount will be based on the stated value of the realtor / developer;
2. Member-borrower’s capacity to pay and in good standing

240 Months

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA,A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:

Business Loan Regular

To help enterprising member-entrepreneur improve their business through the access of additional working capital or funds for asset acquisition and expansion to be used for the enterprise.

Any individual 18 – 69 years old who is the legal owner of the business in each category Micro, Small, Medium and Large Enterprise.
1. Must be a full-fledged member and has undergone loan counseling before availment of any loan products.
2. Must have a good credit standing in other financial institutions;
3. The business must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (maximum 100 km. radius from the servicing branch);
4. Can provide collateral such as real estate property or vehicle of value sufficient to secure the loan and acceptable to the cooperative;

Maximum loanable amount:
Small Enterprise
1. Minimum Loanable Amount –P3,000,001.00
2. Maximum Loanable Amount –Php 15,000,000.00

Medium Enterprise
1. Minimum Loanable Amount –P15,000,001.00
2. Maximum Loanable Amount –P100,000,000.00

Credit Line – 12 mos
Permanent Working Capital – 36 mos
Acquisition/ Renovation of a fixed asset – 60 mos
Building Renovation/Expansion of Business – Maximum of sixty (60) months inclusive of one (1) year grace period.

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA,A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:
Credit Line – 15%

Permanent Working Capital –
Acquisition/ Renovation of Fixed Asset

  Business Loan Plus

To help enterprising member-entrepreneur improve their business through the access of additional working capital or funds for asset acquisition and expansion to be used for the enterprise.

Any individual 18 – 69 years old who is the legal owner of the business in each category Micro, Small, Medium and Large Enterprise.
1. Must be a full-fledged member and has undergone loan counseling before availment of any loan products.
2. Must have a good credit standing in other financial institutions;
3. The business must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (maximum 100 km. radius from the servicing branch);
4. Can provide collateral such as real estate property or vehicle of value sufficient to secure the loan and acceptable to the cooperative;

Loanable amount:
Minimum Loanable Amount – P1,000,000.00
Maximum Loanable Amount – P 5,000,000.00

12 months

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA,A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:

Micro Enterprise Lite

To increase support and provide additional working capital to local micro-entrepreneurs and help expand their enterprise

1. Business ownership must be sole proprietorship or partnership
2. Must be a shareholder of the corporation
3. The business must have a capitalization or equity of not more than One Million Pesos (P 1,000,000);
4. The business must be legal and operating for at least two (2) years and profitable for the latest one (1) year;

Loanable amount:
Minimum Loan Entitlement – P50,001.00
Maximum Loan Entitlement – P1,000,000.00

Loan Risk Tolerability (For Micro-Enterprise Lite)
1. P50,0001 – P300,000 – 50%
2. P300,001 – P500,000 – 40%
3. P500,001 – P1,000,000 – 30%

Minimum of 3 Months
Maximum of 24 Months

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA,A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:
Category 1 – 50k to 300K – 50%
Category 2 – 301k to 500K – 60%
Category 3 – 501k to 1M -70%

Micro Enterprise Regular

To increase support and provide additional working capital to local micro-entrepreneurs and help expand their enterprise

1. Business ownership must be sole proprietorship or partnership
2. Must be a shareholder of the corporation
3. The business must have a capitalization or equity of not more than One Million Pesos (P 1,000,000);
4. The business must be legal and operating for at least two (2) years and profitable for the latest one (1) year;

Loanable amount:
Minimum Loanable Amount – P20,000.00
Maximum Loanable Amount – P300,000.00

Minimum of 3 Months
Maximum of 24 Months

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA,A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:
Upon payment of atleast 50% of the loan principal

  Additional Loan

A privilege Loan that can only be extended to member borrowers if it provides their enterprise an opportunity to grow

1 The member borrower must not be delinquent from the time of application until the Additional Loan is approved and disbursed.
2. The member borrower must have paid at least six (6) monthly amortizations of the existing loan PRI before application for an Additional loan; 3. The member borrower must have the capacity to pay the Additional Loan based on the cash-flow analysis conducted by the Cooperative

Loanable amount:
The maximum amount to be granted to a member borrower who is applying for an Additional Loan must be equal to or less than the paid principal amount of the existing loan and must not exceed the aggregate amount of the original loan.

The minimum term of payment of an additional loan shall be at least three (3) months or must be co-terminus to the term of the existing regular loan.

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA, A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:

Outside Territory Loan

1. Finance the member-borrower’s acquisition of brand new and or surplus / re-conditioned units for business use;
2. Real Estate Financing for Lot acquisition or House / Building construction;
3. Permanent Working Capital under Business Loan

1. Business ownership must be sole proprietorship or partnership
2. Must be a shareholder of the corporation
3. The business must be legal and operating for at least three (3) years and profitable for the latest one (2) year;
4. Engage in Trading, Vending. Agri-business, Processing, Manufacturing and Services
5. The member’s business must not be against environmental preservation either directly or directly
6. The member-borrower must have an alternative source of income sufficient to pay the loan in case of failure of business
Financial Eligibility
1. The member- borrowers averagely bank deposit for the current six (6) months
2. Must be at least twice the amount of the required monthly amortization of the loan applied
3. Debt to Equity Ratio of the member’s business must be 40% or less 1.8
4. Current Ratio of the member’s business must be 1.5:1 or more
5. Debt to Asset Ratio of the member’s business shall not be more than 70%

Loanable amount:
The maximum amount to be granted to a member borrower who is applying for an Additional Loan must be equal to or less than the paid principal amount of the existing loan and must not exceed the aggregate amount of the original loan.

The minimum term of payment of an additional loan shall be at least three (3) months or must be co-terminus to the term of the existing regular loan.

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA, A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:
Minimum Deposit Counterpart – 15%
Maximum Deposit Counterpart – 20%

Check Rediscounting Loan

To accommodate cheque discounting to qualified member-borrower

1. Must not be delinquent at the time of application if with the existing loan until the Check Rediscounting Loan is approved and disbursed.
2. Must have receivables in the form of third-party post-dated checks issued to the order of the member borrower for Check Rediscounting.
3. Must not be delinquent at the time of application if with the existing loan until the Check Rediscounting Loan is approved and disbursed

Loanable amount:
The maximum loanable amount is EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) of the total amount of the post-dated checks issued corporation/company/ Cooperatives for rediscounting but not to exceed Four Million Pesos (P4,000,000).

The loan shall have a term co-terminus to the maturity date of the post-dated checks issued by the corporation / company / cooperative from thirty (30) days but not to exceed ninety (90) days.

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA, A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:
2% of the amount of the third-party post-dated check. This amount shall be collected only after the check is cleared by the bank.

  Vehicle Financing Loan – Business Use

To cater to the needs of our member-borrower in need of a Vehicle for business use.

1. Must be a full-fledged member and have undergone loan counseling before availment of any loan products.
2. Must have a good credit standing in other financial institutions;
3. The business must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (maximum 100 km. radius from the servicing branch);
4. Can provide collateral such as real estate property or vehicle of value sufficient to secure the loan and acceptable to the cooperative;
5. Must have a legitimate source of income

Loanable amount:
Vehicle Brand New – up to 90% of the purchase price or max of 10 units
Surplus/Re-conditioned – up to 80% of cash list but not to exceed P 3,000,000
Second hand on display – up to 70% of the appraised value
Second hand from the owner – up to 50% of the appraised value

The loan shall have a term co-terminus to the maturity date of the post-dated checks issued by the corporation/company / cooperative from thirty (30) days but not to exceed ninety (90) days.

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA, A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements:
Minimum deposit counterpart – 15%
Maximum deposit counterpart -50%

 Motorcycle Financing Loan – Business Use

To cater the needs of our member-borrower in need of for business use.

1. Must be a full-fledged member and has undergone loan counseling before availment of any loan products.
2. Must have a good credit standing in other financial institutions;
3. The business must be situated within the serviceable area of OIC (maximum 100 km. radius from the servicing branch);
4. Can provide collateral such as real estate property or vehicle of value sufficient to secure the loan and acceptable to the cooperative;
5. Must have a legitimate source of income”

Loanable amount:
Maximum P200,000.00

The loan shall have a term co-terminus to the maturity date of the post-dated checks issued by the corporation/company / cooperative from thirty (30) days but not to exceed ninety (90) days.

Co-maker Requirement:
Class AA, A – One (1)
Class B, C – Two (2)

Deposit requirements: