Step 1:
Step 2:
  • Watch our online Pre Membership Education Seminar(PMES) video and answer each modules (Make sure to Pass all the modules given to proceed).

Step 3:
  • Check your email for Bank details and for further information(note: email will automatically send after Step 2). Deposit minimum Share Capital, Regular Savings, Fixed Miscellaneous, Membership Fee, Notarial Fee for Oath of Membership and Data Agreement Consent (OMDAC) and Family Motuary Program (FMP) to OIC’s depository bank account.

Step 4:
  • Send proof of validated deposit slip, along with duly filled out Oath of Membership and Data Agreement Consent to . , with your complete name as the Subject.

Step 5:
  • Online Membership Application confirmation will be sent via email from date of sending proof of validated deposit.